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59 - Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa

I'm interesting, fun and appreciate life. I'm gentle and honest, very affectionate and kind. I work hard and...


52 - Blaauwberg, Cape Town, South Africa

Ek dink ek is nog fiks en gesond.Het ny eie besigheid en wil noe so baie alleen wees nie


45 - Middelburg, Mpumalanga, South Africa

Ek is n̈ oop boek. Vra my enige iets. Vriendelik, liefdevol en n̈ grapjas. Hou van kos maak en mense...


64 - Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Ek is n suksevolle man wat al baie dinge in die lewe al gesien en gedoen het, maar is die afgelope paar jaar...


52 - Blaauwberg, Cape Town, South Africa

Ek het ny eie besigheid..soms besig..maar maak tyd vir mense. Hou daarvan om met my boot uit te gaan en so...


57 - eMalahleni (Witbank), Mpumalanga, South Africa

Ek sien myself as n eerlike en gebalanseerde mens. Ek is lief vir die natuur, stap baie graag, maar kan ook tuis...

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Success Stories

Just to say with only 3 days left on my subscription (5 years ago in 2019) my inbox pinged with someone who I am about to get married to. ...Then as lock down hit we took the plunge to move in together. And here we are about to marry. Second time around for us both;older and wiser to life and relationships. I honestly have met the love of my life. Thank you. And for the people reading this an doubting the algorithm. Stick with it...
Kibi Wright, 23 June 2024
I found the one I have been looking for. I am grateful and thank you for the platform.
Matobole, 28 July 2024
I am glad that I have met my love. He is amazing.
Mirilla, 22 July 2024